Rere comes into my room, sluggishly lies on my bed.
Rere: I'm bored.
I'm unfazed by her coming into my room, because my sis does this a lot. I'm on my laptop.
Modé: I've finally gotten the animation software I've been trying to get since forever.
Rere: Modé, I'm bored!
Modé: I have an idea, I think I could stop-animate you on this software. So lets try to create a stop-animation.
Rere: Fine.
So I create this animation starring my Lil' Sis.
Rere The Magician 1/2
I get excited, I play it over and over again.
Modé: Let's create another one!
Rere shrugs.
Rere: Yeah, Sure why not.
So I create another one.
Rere The Magician 2/2
I get really excited, I play it again, again and again.
Modé: This is sooo cool!
Rere: It's pretty cool.
Modé: Oh, you know what? We should make a short movie.
Rere notices that I'm getting a little too enthusiastic for her taste.
Rere: Uh...
Modé: Common it would be fun!
Rere: No.
Modé: But you said you were bored.
Rere: I'm not bored anymore.
She smiles mischievously at me.
I shake my head.
Modé: Geez, Rere.
Well yeah that's what brought me to make those animations. It was really fun.
I'm still gonna force her to make another one, after all what are lil sisters for if you can't bully them into doing things for you.
*Mischievous smile