Have you ever been apart of an art gallery showcasing your work? If so, How was it? If not, would you ever?I’ve showcased my work three times but none of them have been in an art gallery. The first and third one was showcased at Union Square in San Francisco. The second one was showcased at a state office building to celebrate black history month. Those experiences were mixed with a little disappointment but mostly happiness. The disappointment was at the state office building where they displayed my work where no one could really see it. But apart from that I loved everything else. I would love to be showcased in an art gallery!
Impressive art! This is my second time on your blog :) Question: when are you exhibiting your art?!
Thank you. I don’t know yet, but when I do you guys will be the first to know!
Which artist inspires you the most? And by artist, I'm being very broad. Could be music, fine art, crafts, painting etc. P.S-I love you and your work!!
It’s not so simple. So many artists inspire me in different areas. I can tell you the artist/period in each field that has had the most impact on me thus far (and this is if I must, must, pick one)
Fine art – Frida Kahlo
Music – Kano
Philosophy – Saint Aquinas
Books – Marriages between zones three four and five by Doris Lessing
Comic – Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson
Fashion – 1950’s fashion (at the moment)
P.S – Thanks!

Showcasing artwork at Union Square, San Francisco. 2010
What are your aspirations at the moment? What are you trying to do next?
At the moment, I’m just trying to educate myself as much as I can intellectually. Next, I might travel around the world for a bit.
First of all,i'd like to see the face behind the art and my question is how do you get your work to look so natural and human...i like ur work...it looks urban, colourful and different...i cant quite describe it but i'm always impressed when i see your work...i like the way you draw lips too, they look very natural.
Thank you very much! Here is a picture of me (I’m the one in the middle, in the white and orange top)and I'm the one in the first picture above. Now-a-days I’ve been pretty camera shy hopefully that would change soon:) I can’t really say how I make things look natural, I just do (Mainly practice). I’m gonna do my best to record my process one of these days so you can see how I tackle my work. Also it’s funny you mentioned lips, that’s one of my favourite features to paint.
I know you can create beautiful pieces from photos but I wonder is the process the same for live paintings? or would you say its more difficult?
I haven’t painted from live but I think I would enjoy it.I was trained to draw from life. Most of my sketches are live. You get a lot more control from live. So I wouldn’t say it would be more difficult. I actually would enjoy it more. I just don’t have much access to models. The only slightly annoying thing about drawing from live is that models tend to have a hard time staying still which I don't blame them for because it's a lot harder than one thinks.

View from my dorm room. 2005.
Your art is really beautiful!! I love it! I have two questions : 1) How do you describe your art?
2) As an artist, what is your dream?
Thanks a lot!
1) I would say I’m more of an impressionist artist. I tend to make my art be an impression of life and not life exactly. I like to add my own style to it.
2) My dream is to create things forever!
I love your work!! I’ve wanted to ask this for a while, but now that the perfect opportunity has been presented... do you do personal portraits?
Thanks! Yes I do. That’s my favourite thing to paint. Just email me at modechronicles(at)gmail(dot)com and I can give you more information.
I see on your blurb that you stopped drawing for a few years. Why is that?
I didn’t feel I was any good at it, and didn’t see it as a career.

Flower and writing. 2005.
I love your work, it's amazing! My question is when did you realise you were good at art and is drawing/painting your first and only job or do you do something else as well?
Keep it up, you're amazing!
Thanks! I would say only the past 2 years I would even consider calling myself pretty good. Being in art school and seeing such incredible classmates kind of made me question my ability. I’m not working at the moment, I just graduated and taking a little break. I also like to create things, books, jewelry...etc.
One, your work is BEYOND amazing! Do you do custom work? I would love to be able to get some portraits made of my family and I think you have a real talent.
Thank you! Yes I do, just email me at modechronicles(at)gmail(dot)com and we can discuss details.
How did you manage to develop your own unique style?
It was a learning process, I just kept trying and trying until It felt/looked right. Simple answer – Intuition.
When did you start producing your artwork? would you say it was a natural talent and/or something you enhanced by taking classes?
I’ve had different painting phases in my life, so I’ve been painting on and off for 5-6 years, but this current artwork on this blog started Fall 2009. I’m one of those people who don’t believe in natural talent and I’m living proof. So, I did draw a lot. I took drawing classes but I didn’t take any painting classes. Painting was more self-taught, the most formal education I got from painting ended in high-school.

Showcasing artwork at Union Square, San Francisco. 2010