Aug 31, 2012

Temi is Unborn

Watercolour. 23" x 17".

I have a thing for jewelry. Since high school, I would buy strange unique ones.
Whenever my friends come to my place, they normally want to got through my collection.

As my fascination for jewelry continues to grow I went ahead to get this book.
This is where I got the inspiration for Temi's shoulders.
Especially the details.

Have a great weekend.

Aug 20, 2012

The Beautiful Ones are Not Yet Born


Recently, I haven't had much time create my own personal art. I've been
working on freelance work. I started to feel frustrated so I made time to paint something
I wanted to actually paint.
It felt good.

The progress below.

On another note, I got to purchase an art piece by Karo Akpokiere
I love his art. It inspires me.
You guys should check his site out.

The art I bought is called Lust. What drew me to buying this particular art
was the idea about it.

Check out what the ideology behind this artwork
here (Just scroll down till you get to the art piece)

Aug 17, 2012


Oil painting.

A client asked me to paint this half skull half clown piece. I dreaded doing it but he liked it. His words "Nooooooo way!!!! That's maaaaad! It's like u looked inside my head!!!" so although I hated doing it I'm glad it was a success.